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The Best Gifts for Him in 2021

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The Best Gifts for Him in 2021

Holidays are well on their way, and now’s the time to plan the perfect gifts for the guy in your life. We’ve searched high and low for the best gifts — even avoiding all the cliché gifts that other places are using this year — and we’ve found surprises that are sure to send his spirit soaring this holiday season. Here are the 12 best gifts for guys in 2021.

A Custom Watch Box

Remind him of just how great he has become over the years by giving him a touch of class. This personalized watch case is the ideal way to keep his watches safe. It's crafted from beautiful black leather to look elegant when on display in his bedroom. This case can hold up to six watches, but if he hasn’t collected that many yet, don’t fret — the pillows can be removed to make space for more of his accessories like rings, cufflinks, and tie clips. Top it off with his name engraved on the glass, and he’ll know you’re the real treasure.

The Weekender Bag

Whether the guy in your life is chasing his dreams or chasing the perfect sunset, when he’s on the road, keeping his gear in order and accessible is critical. This bag’s unique and functional design makes it a top choice for those on the go. The bag seamlessly hangs in any closet for easy packing (and visibility into what you've packed so no essential is left behind), and then folds neatly into the perfect on-the-go carry on. This bag features three shelves for everything he needs for a 3-day stay, including a padded laptop pouch and two outside zip pockets that are perfect for easily locating small travel items such as keys, passports, and Airpods. 

Fitbit Charge 4

Whether he’s trying to get in shape or he just likes having his own stats and data on hand, he’ll love this upgrade. Use built-in GPS to see his pace and distance on screen during outdoor runs, rides, hikes and more and see a workout intensity map in the app that shows his heart rate changes along his route. He can also use 24x7 heart rate to track resting heart rate & better measure calorie burn. Track workouts in real-time with 20+ goal-based exercise modes. It’s also swim proof and water resistant to 50 Meters, so he can track swims, wear in the shower and more.

The Rad Pan

If he knows his way around the kitchen, this nifty saute pan might be his new best friend. The innovative raised lip makes flipping and tossing dishes a breeze, so expect to record a few clips of him showing off some new skills. Whether cooking is a passion or hobby, home chefs everywhere love the ease with which the Rad Pan allows them to create their favorite dishes — and now he can too. The Rad Pan goes straight from stovetop to oven and then to dishwasher. Designed for all cooktops and is oven and dishwasher safe. Full product features are below.

The Laptop Stand and Organizer from Great Useful Stuff

This laptop stand and organizer is the ONLY solution on the market with a built-in power hub so he can charge up to 5 devices using only ONE wall outlet. Available in two finishes designed to match virtually any home-office decor, this laptop stand makes work-life better. Best of all, given the various benefits, this laptop stand makes moving rooms or work locations seamless. Simply unplug one cord, switch workstations, and then plug into another outlet, and voila — all his devices inside are now being charged.

The Bygone Backpack Cooler

This is the cooler he needs when the party involves more gear than he can carry in two hands. Its 20-liter capacity can hold a 12-pack plus ice, and two side pockets with adjustable toggles can handle wine or water bottles. The adjustable backpack straps tuck away when not in use, and a padded handle wrap cushions the grip if he chooses to carry it as a tote. Trust us when we say, this backpack cooler can be a life saver for the outdoorsy guy in your life.

The Elado Ice Cream Maker from ChefWave

If the special guy in your life is looking to lead a more health-conscious lifestyle, this 2-quart dessert maker might be his saving grace. With this beauty, he can create frozen yogurt, sorbet, gelato and ice cream with one machine. The Elado can produce delicious ice cream, frozen yogurt, sorbet or gelato to the perfect texture in as little as 25 minutes. The double-insulated freezer bowl and reusable storage tubs allow for easy preparation and storage. An easy-lock lid ensures a mess-free experience.

GoSun Sport

The fastest solar cooker on the market - the Sport grill can bake, roast or steam a meal for two in just under 20 minutes under direct sunlight. The light and compact design allows for easy transport and set up. It's durable and collapsible making for easy set up and storage - and can reach up to 550 degrees quickly. Even under overcast, it will still cook up meals to perfection. Looking to feed more than 2-3 people? Check out their FUSION that has the same features but on a larger scale!

Argus Mid-Cut Sneaker

We’ve been a fan of Kodiak for years, and for good reason. Their quality is hard to beat, and the Argus mid-cut sneaker is a prime example. Rugged, casual, sporty and comfortable—it’s the perfect style for everything he does. Infused with Kodiak heritage, it features premium leather, metal eyelets and reinforced stitching to last longer and go farther. The classic cupsole sneaker design is updated with a flexible rubber outsole for maximum traction.

The Thane Waterproof Boot from Kodiak

If the guy in your life is finding the balance between his manly man side and his inner-city swagger, this is a boot that he’ll absolutely love. Built to thrive on any adventure, this rugged boot features waterproof leather and canvas that give it a heritage-inspired look. With sealed seams and military-inspired hardware that was chosen for absolute durability, this boot can ride with him no matter where life takes him. A waterproof membrane means warm and dry feet when trudging through the elements — or sloshing through an unprecedented freeze.

The DJI Pocket 2

Whether he’s making family memories or making YouTube content, this is the gift of all gifts. The Pocket 2 from DJI is easily the most impressive on-the-go camera on the market right now. Pocket-sized and super portable, the Pocket 2 is equipped to stabilize movement and take sharp photos and smooth videos. If he’s into the outdoors, he’ll love being able to easy get the full skyline with 180-degree panoramic performance; if he’s more of a single-handed content creator, he’ll appreciate the built-in ActiveTrack 3.0 to make sure he’s always in focus and in frame.

Uncharted Society

If you’re ready to give him a gift he’ll never forget, give him the gift of adventure with TexPlex! Send him just outside of Dallas to enjoy 1,000 acres designed specifically to take the off-road experience to the next level. In a half-day adventure, he’ll race along dirt tracks, catch air off custom jumps and race against friends and family on side-by-side machines: the Can-Am Defender and the Can-Am Maverick. If you want to give him an adrenaline-fueled way to kick up mud, do it here. This family-friendly environment is perfect for all ages looking to ride and race under the big Texas skies.

Bonus: Olympic Air 12

More than just a tent, this is a three-season, weatherproof portable cabin for up to 12 people. Both the tent and the attached, roll-back fly feature Eddie Bauer’s WeatherEdge® waterproof technology, including a polyurethane coating to keep all of you dry in the worst weather. It also has flame retardant. Setup is easy with the air-pitching system and the 10cm air poles are stronger than aluminum and steel, withstand winds to 30mph, and inflate/deflate in under 2 minutes with the included pump. You can go from arriving at camp to relaxing in your tent in under 10 minutes. We absolutely love how perfect this tent is.

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